SaaS Marketing Agency Insights: A Guide to Healthcare Marketing Strategy

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SaaS Marketing Agency Insights: Healthcare Marketing Strategy Guide

Is your healthcare SaaS marketing helping you achieve your conversion goals? 

An industry survey found that B2B SaaS companies spend 20-25% of their revenue on marketing. With so much of your resources invested in marketing strategies and activities, you must know if you're spending money on the right tactics and channels. 

But how do you know if your healthcare SaaS marketing strategy needs a makeover? We asked Spot On team members to share their from-the-trenches insights. 

This guide shows you healthcare SaaS marketing mistakes to avoid and signs that indicate your strategy may be in trouble. We'll discuss how to set a solid foundation with a sound approach and align your content with this overarching direction to amplify your results. You'll also get an insider view of healthcare digital advertising and learn how to leverage data to refine your approach. 

Get Help Setting a Solid Foundation



How to Know if Your Healthcare SaaS Marketing Needs a Different Approach

B2B SaaS marketing in healthcare is particularly challenging because of the complex buying group dynamics and long sales cycles. A well-crafted healthcare marketing strategy will help you allocate your resources effectively to achieve your goals.

But even with a solid strategy, it can be easy to make a marketing misstep. Let's look at how to navigate this complicated process. 

9 Signs Your SaaS Marketing Strategy Is in Trouble

How can you tell your marketing strategy is in trouble? Sarah Loeffler, Spot On’s former Content Director, explains how strategy missteps can affect your success and how to course-correct.

  1. You can’t seem to get anything done because there is always too much to do.  

    “There’s always something you could spend more time doing or improve in some way,” Loeffler explains. “But you must be disciplined about what’s getting your focus.”  Identify which campaigns and activities are most critical for your business, then align resources accordingly to position your company for success. 

  2. You’re losing rank for your most important search keywords.      

    Search is significant for filling the pipeline, but most B2B healthcare tech companies may neglect the time to create a strong strategy. Craft a plan to help you rank for the right keyword by combining competitive research and insights, technical and on-page SEO expertise, content and audience knowledge, and a deep understanding of the funnel. Also, update the plan regularly to incorporate the latest best practices. 

  3. You're struggling with data overload.     

    The modern world of data analytics gives you access to vast amounts of information. To overcome data overload, identify the most important metrics to track and improve so you don't get distracted by less critical or vanity metrics. 

  4. You can’t personalize your campaigns very well.

    Prospects and customers expect relevant communications tailored to their needs. The right automation tools can help you execute a personalization strategy cost-effectively. If you struggle with personalizing your campaigns, revisit your underlying audience strategy.  

    These questions can help you troubleshoot: Do you have the right information about your prospects? Are you targeting your audience geographically or gathering insights about their pain points with progressive forms? Even minor adjustments to your personalization tactic and automation technology could lead to big payoffs. 

  5. Your sales team isn't getting enough “at bats” with the right people.

    You may waste your time and resources if you target the wrong audience — especially with paid ads or one-on-one sales outreach.


Not enough at-bats with the right people means your audience strategy isn’t sound. It shows that you have trouble building and qualifying prospects.

– Sarah Loeffler, Former Content Director

  1. You're running campaigns on channels you haven't mastered.

    If you're overwhelmed by the sheer number and complexity of marketing channels, keep in mind that you don't need to be on all of them all the time. Every touchpoint you use should support your marketing objective. The right marketing strategy will help you focus on the most effective ones for reaching high-quality prospects, leads, and existing customers. 

  2. You don’t have a plan for what you should be testing now and in the longer term.       

    A good SaaS product marketing strategy should guide your continuous effort to experiment and improve. Otherwise, you could make the mistake of chasing bright shiny objects and losing focus — like testing too many variables at once or not doing so often enough. A website is never a one-and-done endeavor, and you’ll want to adjust based on feedback as you go.

  3. You have a static marketing budget that doesn’t evolve with performance.     

    You must align your budget with how your business goals and priorities evolve. “It’s easy to get into a rut, saying, ‘Okay, here’s my budget for the year, here’s how I’ve typically allocated it, and I’m just going to go forward with that,’” says Loeffler. “Instead, adapt quickly to invest in areas that best support company goals and double down on what’s working well for you while pulling back on the things that aren’t.” 

  4. You consistently experience gaps in marketing and sales handoffs.

    Many marketing teams think they’re doing everything to bring in prospects. But the sales staff find the names not valuable enough and blame marketing for not bringing in more leads. This problem is caused by a misalignment of what a quality lead should look like or how marketing should qualify a lead before it hits sales. 

    A sound strategy should unify sales and marketing around the customer journey, map and score interactions, so that everyone develops a shared understanding of a lead’s progress.

Now that we know how to spot a troubled SaaS marketing strategy, let's look at how you can fix these mistakes.

5 Common Healthcare SaaS Marketing Strategy Mistakes and How to Fix Them

Common Healthcare SaaS Marketing Strategy MistakesThere's no cookie-cutter approach to creating a healthcare SaaS marketing plan. But if you are constantly spinning out one-off attention-grabbing activities that don't support your business objectives — you're likely putting tactics before strategy (or the cart before the horse).

Rebecca Graves, co-founder of The Spot On Agency, shares her experience helping SaaS companies identify and correct healthcare digital marketing mistakes.

Let's look at how you can avoid common pitfalls and set yourself up for success:

  1. Lack of patience:

    Rushing into building a website and hoping to generate leads and close sales quickly can lead to many long-term issues. If you ignore foundational elements such as keywords and user experience design, you may not get found in organic searches. Then, you may fail to drive traffic and meet your conversion goals. 

    Solution: Map out the entire customer journey for your website by considering what content your prospects seek, what actions you want them to take, how you plan to nurture the relationships, and what should happen after a visitor fills out a form. Allow time to develop a long-term digital strategy that supports your marketing activities. In particular, content marketing often takes months to achieve results but is highly effective.

  2. Wrong or unclear goals:

    If you base your strategy on unclear or unrealistic goals, the outcome will likely be disappointment — or even send you down the wrong path. If you don't understand what your current metrics are revealing, you can't set goals to guide an effective strategy.  

    Solution: A marketing strategy won't close deals without tight collaboration with the sales team. Benchmark your metrics and help your marketing team understand the sales process to set objectives and define activities that support sales performance. 

  3. Lack of sales and marketing alignment:

    Poorly orchestrated handoffs between marketing and sales can cause friction and derail teams from achieving common objectives.  For example, without from-the-trenches insights from sales, marketing may overlook critical factors that impact the buyer's journey. 

    Solution: Sales and marketing must work as an integrated unit and strive toward shared objectives. Marketing should also get timely feedback from sales to adapt its strategy. "The marketing team needs feedback on the leads it delivers to sales: Is it reaching the right people? If not, you may need to adjust your strategy to bring in high-quality prospects more likely to convert," Graves advises. 

  4. Chasing vanity metrics:

    You may not achieve your marketing objectives if your SaaS healthcare marketing strategy focuses on the wrong KPIs — leading you to track and measure data that doesn't align with your conversion goals.  

    Solution: Start with your conversion goals and work backward to see what KPIs you should measure. "You can measure how many people visit a page vs. how many click on the call to action to see if your content makes visitors want to go further down your funnel. If a blog post is attracting traffic but not converting, you may reposition the content or add a CTA to drive conversions," Graves says.

  5. Poor understanding of customer pain points:

    SaaS buyers in the healthcare industry face many challenges, such as resistance to change and complex regulatory requirements. Your marketing plan will hit roadblocks if the messaging fails to address prospects' pain points and concerns.

    Solution: Get a clear grasp of what those pain points are. Then, educate your prospects and build trust in your product. Additionally, understand your prospects' roles, challenges, and emotional drivers to craft messages that resonate with each member of your target audience.

An effective strategy gives you the foundation to navigate the competitive SaaS healthcare marketing landscape. Let's look at how to adopt a strategy-first approach in your organization.Set a foundation to navigate SaaS healthcare marketing

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Laying the Foundation for a Strong Strategy-First Approach

How do you make sense of a complex SaaS healthcare marketing plan with numerous moving parts? How do you ensure the components work together seamlessly to achieve your business goals?

You must focus only on activities that align with your goals. Here's how to set a robust foundation to ensure your marketing strategy hits the bull's eye.

Questions to Ask Before Developing a SaaS Healthcare Marketing Plan

Uncovering your most critical goals helps inform your strategy — but it takes more effort than simply identifying what you want to achieve. So, what are the nuances, and how do you get to the bottom of it?

Rigorous inquiry and competitive research are key to creating a solid strategy. Madison Rivera, Spot On’s Account Manager, shares how she helps clients dig deeper to articulate their goals to inform their SaaS healthcare marketing strategy.

Here are the top initial questions to ask:

Use benchmarks to help you set goals and assess your performance. “We perform quarterly reporting for clients to ensure we hit the metrics, which we defined at the beginning of our relationship or as we continue to work together. We use the insights to inform proactive actions,” says Rivera.

SaaS marketing moves fast, but you don’t have to do everything all at once. It’s essential to weigh the cost of any initiative that isn’t part of a plan that supports your goals

Questions to Ask to Develop a Strong SaaS Healthcare Branding Strategy

A SaaS healthcare branding strategy is the foundation for effective communications. Kendra Rainey, brand strategist and Spot On consultant, discusses how to make your brand identity and persona stand out.

Here are the questions to consider:

  1. Do you really have a brand strategy?

    A brand strategy is not your visual identity like logo, color palette, font choice, or illustration style — they are simply the product. “A brand strategy takes a broader perspective, providing a set of well-researched, well-thought-out guardrails to determine how your company behaves in the world,” Rainey says.

  2. Does your brand strategy connect with your customers?     

    Your healthcare branding strategy should be a living and breathing entity and adapt to market changes to connect your company with your audience. It should support an ongoing conversation with them to build brand affinity and make them want to associate with your brand. 

  3. Have you codified your healthcare branding strategies into language?     

    Codifying your healthcare branding strategy into language involves turning concepts and ideas about your brand into tangible, sharable, and executable marketing tactics, such as website design and content creation, that appeal to your ideal audience.

  4. Are you held back by these branding misconceptions?

    The first misconception is mistaking a logo or visual identity for a brand strategy. The second one is assuming that branding is a long and scary process. With the guidance of experienced SaaS marketing strategy advisors, you can quickly turn insights into actionable steps while avoiding common issues with marketing.  

  5. What are the first steps in developing a healthcare SaaS branding strategy?

    Understand what drives your target audience to action by talking to different people in your organization (e.g., executives, marketers, customer service reps.) 


While the CEO may have the vision, the sales rep or customer service employee knows the nitty-gritty. Interviews and workshops with stakeholders can help you learn about your audience from various perspectives.

– Kendra Rainey, Brand Strategist

  1. What should you focus on when creating your strategy?

    Rainey explains the three main components your branding strategy should address:

    • Your strategic positioning differentiates your brand and shows why your customers want to buy from you instead of your competitors.
    • Your story shapes how your audience and the world perceive your brand. It should build an emotional connection with your prospects and customers to foster brand loyalty.
    • Your vibe embodies your brand personality, ethos, and voice. It adds swagger to your position and story to make your brand come to life.
  2. What goes into creating a strong value proposition?

    Your value proposition states what makes your product or company attractive to your buyers. It's audience-specific and delves into the mindset and triggers that motivate your prospects (e.g., avoiding a stressor or aligning with an identity.)

  3. How do you create strong messaging to support your value proposition?

    Your messaging is the external expression of your brand. It should stem from your branding strategy and reflect your strategy positioning, story, and vibe. You may create multiple messages to appeal to various audience segments at different stages of the buyer's journey.

With a strong marketing and branding strategy, you can now create content to support its execution and bring it to life.

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Aligning Your Content with Your SaaS Marketing Strategy

So, what makes an effective SaaS content marketing strategy? It should help each buying team member understand their challenges, learn about the solutions, and analyze their options. 

Healthcare SaaS Content Marketing Strategy: 7 Blog Topic Must-Asks

Why is choosing the right topic for your blog important?

For health IT solutions, buying cycles are long, and people on the buying team research at different speeds and have different needs. You need a variety of topics not only to attract—but also maintain—their engagement over time and speak to multiple concerns.

Blog Topic Must-Asks

Here are the top 7 questions we ask when brainstorming a topic approach for our clients. 

  1. What topics will help me rank for the keywords prospects will likely use? 

    The keywords and phrases you use in your blog titles, subheads, and content impact how easily search engines can find your content and, therefore, how much website traffic you generate. Keep SEO in mind as you brainstorm and prioritize blog topics to stay on the right path.

    Aim for meaningful keywords with the highest traffic volume and achievable ranking difficulty on search engine results pages. Your goal is to appear higher on results pages than content from your competitors when prospects conduct searches with those keywords. 

  2. What topics will fill messaging gaps within your larger healthcare SaaS content marketing strategy?      

    Use a mix of blog content that addresses audiences throughout their research and buying process. Most healthcare IT blog topics tend to be top or middle in the marketing funnel

    • Educate prospects about their challenges and help them understand the issues (e.g., “10 Common Problems Hospitals Face with Nurse Scheduling" or "3 Ways Cloud-Based Nurse Scheduling Can Improve Efficiency")   
    • Help the buying team evaluate different options and understand how your offering is unique in helping them solve their problems (e.g., "The Top Nurse Scheduling Tools for Small Hospitals" or "How to Choose the Best Nurse Scheduling System for Your Emergency Department”)
    • Aid or accelerate decision-making, often by demonstrating real-life value and use cases (e.g., “How Product X Helped a Midwest Hospital Reclaim X Hours of Nursing Time through Better Scheduling”)

    Your topic selection should address different aspects of your audience's needs. It can be hard to hit the right balance. Putting too much emphasis on product features could turn off a prospect, but including too much general interest content could jeopardize your chances to convert. As such, your blog topics should span the awareness, consideration, and decision stages while incorporating the right keywords to support your website's success.

  3. What topics will fill gaps in addressing each member of the buying team?      

    Consider if your topics address the needs of each buying team member. SaaS companies often produce a lot of content geared toward the CIO while neglecting content that targets the team member(s) holding the purse strings.

  4. What topics can be grouped to support each other?

    If you have a common theme, you can group related blog posts to create a pillar page (also known as a content cluster) by pulling insights from your collection of articles onto a page to cover the subject comprehensively. An “ultimate guide” pillar page on a topic that links to and from your individual blogs will also boost your SEO rankings.   

  5. What topics lend themselves to showcasing original expertise? 

    Seek opportunities where your team or customers can share unique insights. Why is that important? In this age of AI-generated content, a subject matter expert (SME) can provide a deeper perspective and specialized knowledge to help your content stand out.

    Involve experts from your technical team in content planning. Your SMEs hear prospects’ questions in the field or at conferences. They can give you insights into your website visitors' concerns and questions and suggest relevant topics. 

  6. What topics lend themselves to pairing with offers?

    You can also brainstorm blog ideas by starting with your offers and working backward from your larger SaaS content marketing strategy. For example, if you’re a surgical scheduling vendor and already have a webinar discussing OR turnover speed, consider creating content about common sources of room turnover delay.

  7. Which topics will have the greatest opportunity for repeated use or repurposing?

    Most people have far more blog ideas than resources to execute them. Seek content that will offer the most potential for longevity or repurposing when prioritizing which topics to pursue. For instance, you can easily refresh blogs on annual statistics around an issue or “best of” lists. Meanwhile, you can turn a blog post into other types of content, such as a video, social post, or infographic, or vice versa.

Using Video

Using Video in your Healthcare SaaS Content Marketing Strategy

Videos are highly effective for B2B SaaS marketing. They help you build engagement with influential buying team members and reach new buyers by delivering content in a format they prefer. In fact, a survey of health system CIOs found that 75% of respondents prefer information video content from tech vendors.

Rosyl Igcasenza, consulting art director at The Spot On Agency and prolific video creator, says, “Videos can also help improve domain authority, audience engagement, and SEO.” 

First Things First: What Type of Videos Should You Create?

Identify which type of video to create based on your goals. These may include branding and educational videos, explainer videos, testimonials, and training videos.

The explainer video is ideal for concisely illustrating complicated processes to spark initial interest. “They allow our clients to provide their customers with in-depth information about the software and demonstrate how the features address various pain points," says Igcasenza.

It's critical to align your purpose with your overall brand strategy. Here are some questions to consider:

Align Your Purpose

Tips for Creating Effective Explainer Videos

Don't underestimate the complexity of creating explainer videos. Igcasenza shares her top tips for getting them right:

  1. Determine the type of visuals you want to use

    Most explainer videos use 2D animation, but some also include stock video and photography. You may also experiment with mixing all three.

  2. Use a professional scriptwriter

    Not all writers are skilled in writing succinct, conversational scripts. An experienced scriptwriter can help you keep the content concise and hit the right tone to engage the audience.

  3. Determine the look and feel 

    Your video should support your overall branding. If you don't have a well-defined brand image yet, work with the designer to determine the look and feel of the video by creating a style board.

  4. Produce high-quality audio 

    Hire a professional voice-over actor to bring the script to life. "It’s best to align the visuals with the script and the completed voice-over. Voice actors may talk at different speeds from how we normally speak or enunciate certain words differently, both of which can impact the pacing and timing of the animation," Igcasenza says.

  5. Select screenshots for your SaaS video 

    Screenshots can help make abstract ideas more tangible in SaaS videos. Plus, showing your healthcare software in action makes the content more relatable. “I like to pan and zoom across the software screen to highlight fields a user would focus on,” Igcasenza says.

  6. Create a rough animation using a storyboard 

    Create a rough animation for each scene on the storyboard and timestamp each one without the transitional elements. A professional designer can handle the finer points of the animation process to bring the pieces together.

  7. Prepare for the final animation

    After fleshing out the rough version, the real work begins. Expect a few rounds of revisions and budget time to put on the finishing touches. You may also need background music and sound effects for the final animation. 

  8. Don't overlook content distribution      

    Consider hosting and content distribution to optimize the user experience: 

    • Which video platform will you host it on? (e.g., Wistia, YouTube)   
    • Will it autoplay? What's the streaming resolution?
    • Have you optimized elements like captions for SEO?
    • Have you included a clear CTA at the end?
  9. Take a step back and evaluate the video holistically

    Timing is everything in SaaS videos. Take a step back and see if the animation flows naturally — if it's off, the viewers can sense it.

    Creating high-quality and engaging content is just the first step. You must promote it to reach the right people and maximize your ROI. That's where pay-per-click (PPC) advertising comes in to help you get in front of the right people. 

Evaluate the Video

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Positioning Your PPC Efforts to Support Your Strategy

Healthcare digital advertising is integral to supporting your overarching healthcare SaaS marketing strategy. But many find it the most challenging to master. Let's look at how to navigate its nuances. 

Ask These 6 Questions About Your Healthcare Advertising Strategy for Software

Brian Cauble, former head of SEM/SEO strategy at Spot On, shares the key questions to consider at every stage of a PPC campaign.

Ask Questions

  1. Does my strategy align with the overall marketing goals?

    Clarify your advertising objectives and make strategic decisions about your ad spend by understanding the value each customer brings to your business. The information helps you calculate how much a lead is worth and determine what you should pay for digital advertising. 

  2. Have I set up my healthcare advertising campaign for success?

    Build a solid foundation by identifying the problems you solve for your customers. "We start by learning everything about our clients — what they do, how they position their brands, who their target audiences are, what keywords they aim to rank for, and what their conversion goals are. Everything, including KPIs and tactics, will stem from these insights," says Cauble.

  3. Do I have systems in place to monitor the effectiveness of my healthcare advertising campaign?

    Track the leads you get from a campaign throughout the customer journey and analyze their interactions with your brand across channels. Also, talk to your sales team.

  4. Have I checked for signs that could indicate trouble?

    Spotting red flags and course-correcting as soon as possible helps you avoid spending money on tactics that don't work. "We look at the metrics and ask these questions: Is the ad campaign generating enough traffic to move the needle? If not, should we broaden our targeting?" says Cauble. "On the flip side, we must consider if our wording is too broad and fails to resonate with the target market.”  

  5. Have I allowed enough time to evaluate a healthcare digital advertising campaign?

    "What is the number of demo requests, resulting opportunities, and sales against your ad spend? Healthcare software often has long sales cycles, and single-digit conversions per month aren't uncommon. That's why you should give a campaign time to see if it's generating high-quality leads," says Cauble.

  6. How will I determine a campaign's success after it ends? 

    "Evaluate the opportunities and demo requests generated by the campaign and the resulting conversion rates," says Cauble. 


Return on ad spend (ROAS) is the most important metric — the amount you spend on acquiring each customer should be lower than its lifetime value for your campaign to be profitable.

– Brian Cauble, Former Head of SEM/SEO Strategy

How to Overcome Google Restrictions for Healthcare Digital Advertising

Overcome Google RestrictionsGoogle Ads is great for targeting the right audience and driving traffic to your website. It should be an essential component of any SaaS marketing strategy. But the platform's ad restrictions can be frustrating for healthcare tech companies. We asked Cauble about his first-hand experience navigating Google ad restrictions.

What are Google's ad restrictions for healthcare advertising campaigns?

Restrictions around privacy and protected health information (PHI) create the most impact for the healthcare industry. For instance, brands can't use PHI to inform healthcare remarketing campaigns. Google has also implemented various controls to prevent users' health data from inadvertently being shown on ads that can compromise their privacy.

Unfortunately, Google groups everything related to healthcare into the same bucket — often lumping consumer and B2B marketing together and applying broad-stroke restrictions. It also uses artificial intelligence (AI) to identify terms that suggest healthcare-related ads and block them.

How do Google's ad restrictions impact healthcare advertising campaigns?

The restrictions occasionally cause problems, even for digital advertising veterans like Cauble. Moreover, Google updates its restrictions frequently, so it's hard to predict when complications may occur. You may run a campaign for a long time without any issues, and suddenly, it stops working.

"You don't get any notifications — you just look at the analytics and realize that the campaign has stopped working, and you are left to figure out why without guidance or clear notifications," says Cauble.

What can you do to overcome these healthcare marketing problems?

It's best to work with a Google Ad expert who can help you set up your campaigns correctly. Also, track your analytics and look for messages that indicate potential issues.

"You may appeal, but the process often takes a week or two. Get familiar with contacting support and be persistent," says Cauble, "You'll be making a lot of calls. You'll have to work up the chain of command until you find someone who understands the issue."

How can companies proactively prevent these healthcare marketing problems?

Refine the target keywords and ad copy to prevent Google from blocking your ads. For example, be explicit that you're advertising technology for healthcare providers. Google's AI is more likely to block an ad with photos of patients and doctors. As such, it's best to use images related to software and technology.

"Consider how your words can be construed. Are they too generic? Can you add the word software to make it more explicit? Make the copy as obvious as possible for the AI program. But also strike a balance so a human audience can understand who the product is for and what it's about," says Cauble.

Tracking your analytics can help you identify potential problems with your ad campaigns early. But that's not the only reason you should pay attention to data. Let's look at how to use data to inform your digital marketing strategy.

Prevent Marketing Problems

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Using Data to Power Your Digital Marketing Strategy

How do you know if your healthcare technology marketing strategy is working? Where should you focus your resources? The data you collect may reveal critical insights. 

Is Your Website Supporting Your Healthcare Marketing Strategy?

Websites are built on initial assumptions, even if you have the best strategy. To know if yours indeed supports your healthcare marketing strategy, you must monitor its performance after launch. But what should you measure to ensure you focus on the right things? We asked Spot On partner and creative director Erica Pierce how she analyzes our clients' SaaS marketing metrics.

What is a UX audit, and why do you need one?

UX AuditUX design is the process of creating products that deliver meaningful and relevant experiences to users. Website UX design focuses on more than just functionality. It considers all potential user interactions to address branding, design, usability, and function.  

A UX audit examines these considerations to answer these key questions: 

How can you use SaaS marketing metrics to evaluate your website’s performance? 

Pierce recommends analyzing various website performance metrics to support a UX audit to see what works and what doesn't. She looks into these key metrics to understand how visitors use a site to guide her design decisions:

She then uses the insights to decide if the design and content work as intended to entice visitors to take the desired actions.

What does a technical SEO audit entail?

Technical SEO optimizes a website for search engines. These tactics can also help improve user experience. To master technical SEO, you must first understand what search engines need to crawl and index your site, including sitemaps, indexing, tagging, and more. After all, the best content in the world won’t rank if it’s not accessible to search engines.

"We use a host of tools, like Semrush, Google Search Console, and Google Page Speed Insights, to perform monthly site health checks for our clients to maintain and improve their rankings," says Pierce. Here are a few examples of how we use data to optimize technical SEO:

It's almost impossible to get a perfect score in technical SEO — even if you work with an expert. However, you can continuously monitor your technical SEO health to inform incremental adjustments. “The small changes add up over time,” Pierce says.

But how do you know the changes are making a positive impact? You guessed it — data analytics!

Data Analytics 

How a Healthcare SaaS Marketing Agency Uses Metrics to Inform Strategy

Data insights enable you to test your theories, validate your instincts, and make informed decisions. Rebecca Graves shares her experience on how a healthcare SaaS marketing agency uses data to inform strategy. 

Healthcare Technology Marketing: Think Beyond Conversions

You're putting the cart before the horse if you focus on conversions before having enough website traffic. After all, you can't possibly get conversions until you have potential customers in the door. Moreover, you need a statistically significant sample size to test your theories. So, how do you drive the right web traffic?

You need a website with an optimized UI/UX design, supported by relevant content and an SEO strategy to attract your target audience. Then, measure the right metrics and make ongoing improvements to turn visitors into leads. Let's look at how.

Consider SaaS Funnel Metrics

SaaS Funnel MetricsWhat gets measured gets done. But what metrics should you track to build a robust funnel?

A comprehensive SEO strategy is essential for producing content that addresses all stages of the marketing funnel — awareness, consideration, decision, and loyalty/advocacy. If you only have top-of-the-funnel pieces without content to address buyer consideration, you may grow your visitor numbers but fail to drive conversions.

Also, avoid going straight into demos without first helping a lead understand how your solution solves their pain points and why it's better than your competition. Especially in healthcare, warming up a prospect is critical because broad-scale change often happens with multiple decision-makers and only when a new solution's benefits clearly outweigh the cost of replacing an old one.

Don't overlook the role of mid-funnel content in nurturing leads to convert. Use content formats like case studies to illustrate how your solution addresses specific challenges. “This shows your audience how you have helped companies like theirs solve challenges, building both trust and credibility,” Graves says.

Track the number of unique visits, time on page, and bounce and exit rates for each content type. You'll see patterns to show which topic and format resonate and what could be improved, optimized, or discarded.

Improving Conversion Rates: Small Shifts Matter

Improve Conversion RatesDriving traffic and engaging visitors with content is just the beginning. You must also ensure they take the next steps. A healthcare SaaS marketing agency uses behavioral analytics tools like Hotjar to see how visitors interact with a website's content.

The resulting heat maps give you insights into user behaviors — capturing how far down visitors scroll, what links they click, where they leave the page, and how they move their mouse. Your agency can analyze the data and help you make targeted improvements to drive conversions.

Choosing the Right Channels

Using the appropriate marketing channels to distribute your content is just as important as your messaging. “We use metrics to see which traffic sources bring in the highest quality prospects and identify the right channels for our clients," says Graves.

Choose The Right ChannelsEmail and social media marketing may not drive sales on their own but can play a pivotal role in supporting other channels and content types. For example, an email can help promote a webinar, build anticipation for a product launch, or get leads to download a white paper.

Focus your social media resources on LinkedIn instead of Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok. This channel can be an ideal tool for building a brand presence but is less effective for driving conversions.

Bring Meaning to Your Metrics

After gathering metrics from your website and campaigns, analyze them in isolation and with a big-picture lens. A healthcare SaaS marketing agency uses tools to quickly slice and dice the data to inform accurate and timely decisions.

"We use Databox to pull data from multiple sources, such as Google Analytics, Search Console, HubSpot, Google Ads, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. With every data point in a consolidated dashboard, we can see the big picture view, identify trends, and turn insights into action to create content that progresses prospects down the funnel," says Graves.  

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Get Healthcare SaaS Marketing Support

Effective B2B healthcare marketing is complex. The various components must work together synergistically to help you achieve your objectives. From overall branding and content marketing to PPC and SEO, nothing can be left to chance. Plus, you must know what metrics to track and how to leverage data-driven insights to improve your results.

Is your marketing strategy achieving your goals?

At Spot On, we help healthcare SaaS companies proactively prevent and avoid costly mistakes by designing healthcare marketing strategies to reach their conversion goals. Schedule a call to learn how we can help you create an approach that best reflects your business’s goals, strengths, and opportunities.  

Get Healthcare SaaS Marketing Support

SaaS Marketing Agency Insights: A Guide to Healthcare Marketing Strategy
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SaaS Marketing Agency Insights: A Guide to Healthcare Marketing Strategy