Website Design Services

The best SaaS & healthcare websites are sales tools.

You could have a nice-looking website, but if it doesn’t bring in new sales prospects, ultimately things aren’t going to be pretty. Get help building a foundational strategy fit for the Saas or healthcare industry, a smart user experience, and brand-focused design and writing that speaks to your audiences’ pain points and positions your company as the solution to them.

Healthcare Technology Websites

Solve your site's problems.

We’ve seen it all: the good, the bad and the utterly broken. Let us help you move from web disorganization to connecting deeply with your audiences on every page.

Lightbulb Icon

Your products are unique. (But nobody knows that.)

Understand and clearly articulate what makes your brand, technology and/or services worth your potential customers’ time by defining your unique value proposition. This forms a foundation of a story that most sites miss, signaling to your audiences that you’re the one for them.

Map Icon

You might not have planned appropriately.

You’ve got a goal for your site; now you just need to draw the map that leads visitors to it. Site strategy takes a step back from the individual page level to consider the whole user journey from copy to CTA placement and much more.

Moon Icon

You look a little tired.

Regardless of how revolutionary your products are, your website is not “set it and forget it.” Sites age quickly (and badly), and it’s not just about being out of date; site design that’s left sitting around often lacks in the user experience department. Update your design like you revise your products, and update your potential to capture audiences’ attention.

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The Spot On Method

Thoughtful B2B websites, start to finish.

Creating an effective SaaS or healthcare website isn’t just about posting a few pages on a URL. Great sites start strategically and evolve and improve over time. Get it all step by step by engaging the Spot On team.


While some sites are built on a keyword and a prayer, we go deeper, combining our understanding of the SaaS and healthcare industries with research into user search intent, domain authority, and understanding and articulation of the story your site tells to ensure your audiences — and your company — get what’s needed from your site.


Write your own copy (and we’ll edit), or let our experienced writers create content for you. Many of our writers are healthcare industry experts, and all are marketing writing experts, so consider the potential beneficial trade-offs in time and effort for your staff if you let us run with the words.


Get modern, fresh, brand-aligned page design conceived to show off your brand and/or products in the best light and strategically created to guide users through your site easily and beautifully.


Go live with little stress. Spot On’s developers code every page of your site in the platform of your choice, either WordPress or HubSpot.


More than maintenance, we test, iterate and improve upon your site with data-driven design methodologies that ensure it performs its best and meets your goals.

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Plans & Pricing

Website Audit
All in at


Get quick win recommendations to take your site to the next level.

SEO info bubble

Does your website play nicely with search engines?

Accessibility info bubble

Is it accessible for all visitors, including those with disabilities?

User Experience (UX) info bubble

Is it easy to use and understand?

Content Analysis info bubble

Does the content resonate with your prospects?

Conversion (CRO) info bubble

Are there clear paths and opportunities for conversion?

Website Strategy
All in at


Build a strong foundation and a solid plan for your new site.

Questionnaire info bubble

We explore the determinants of your site’s success, from target demographics to frequently asked sales questions to design preferences and user experience.

Visitor Value Map info bubble

We step into your prospects’ shoes to create a guide for content that is tailored to their point of view.

Sitemap info bubble

We determine every page that will be included in the new site and how to structure the navigation.

SEO* info bubble

Based on what you want to be found for and what your audience is searching for, we find the sweet spot and recommend specific keywords for each page. *Requires keyword research

User Flows info bubble

Using flow charts, we map how visitors should move through your site at each stage of the buying journey and suggest opportunities to maximize conversions.

Page Strategy info bubble

A text-based wireframe gives shape to your site. For every type of page, we’ll list the goal, present each section of text with content recommendations and provide design notes.

Budget & Timeline info bubble

There’s no surprises! We share a detailed scope of work with a budget and timeline, so you know exactly what to expect every step of the way.

Website Creation
Starting at


Get start-to-finish creative work that’s standout and thorough.

Wireframes info bubble

We provide you with digitized sketches of page layout and suggested functionality.

Copywriting info bubble

We create keyword-optimized content that empathizes with your personas and positions your company as the hero.

Design info bubble

We offer a range of design options, from template sites to fully custom designs, and everything in between.

Development info bubble

Use of the latest technology ensures clean code and a simple editing experience.

QA Testing info bubble

Every page is reviewed against a thorough checklist and cross-checked on all major browsers and devices.

Site Launch info bubble

We provide full support during go-live and and ensure everything runs smoothly afterward.

Training info bubble

We will lead you through a live training session that’s recorded and send it to you for future reference.

Data-Driven Design
Starting at


Make informed, ongoing site improvements based on user data.

Ongoing Maintenance info bubble

We continue to ensure your site functions at its best, staying on top of plugin updates, Google Analytics changes, technical SEO and more.

Requested Edits info bubble

We’ll make requested changes to your site, so you can focus on your full-time job.

Recommendations info bubble

After a full website audit, we’ll provide recommendations regarding which changes should come first based on effort level and impact.

Testing info bubble

A/B and/or multivariate tests examine how our recommendations perform against a control page or feature.

Reporting info bubble

We will set up a Google-based tracking system to capture complete, accurate marketing and engagement performance data, as well as heatmap data to see how visitors interact with your site.

Rinse, Repeat info bubble

We will continue to provide new and updated recommendations based on reporting and testing outcomes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Digital Marketing Illustration

Do I need a new website or can I just update my old one?

Websites aren’t like wine: they don’t age well. If your site has an outdated look or approach (think non-responsive layouts, lots of pages with just a little content and 2010-era or older design) it’s probably best to start with a clean slate and create a solid foundation for moving forward. We’ve written some helpful articles on just this topic. Check out our “12 Signs it’s Time for a New Website,” and “Do You Need a New Website?” on the Spot On Blog.

How soon can my website launch?

Most sites take between two to six months, and your timeline will depend on several things: 

  • If you’re interested in a template as the base of your site or a fully custom design 
  • How many pages your site will need
  • Any special functionality needed
  • If you’d like to launch the full site all at once or stagger the launch by prioritizing pages 
  • How quickly you can return feedback and approve work 

What’s the difference between a template site and a custom site, and which one is best for me?

Templated sites are out-of-the box solutions that are pre-designed and pre-coded. If you decide to go this way, we will select a few different options for you to choose from, then adjust the template to match your colors and fonts, as well as re-work the page layouts to fit your content. Benefits of templated sites include quicker turn-around times and a lower price point. 

Custom sites are exactly that – fully custom and unique. Here, we will start from scratch to wireframe, create content and design for a site that is entirely yours alone. Custom sites are more creative than templated sites and are built exactly to your specifications and aesthetics and tend to stand out in crowded marketplaces.

What platform will my website be built on?

We primarily develop on HubSpot and WordPress, with HubSpot being our preferred platform. HubSpot is our typical recommendation however, and here’s why: It doesn’t require continuous updates of themes and plugins (like WordPress does.) The platform also includes smart content functionality, which allows you to display different information based on user data such as referral source, device type and contact lifecycle stage. 

HubSpot is extremely user friendly and a true “wysiwyg” (what you see is what you get) editor, showing your edits in real time. Also, if you are already using HubSpot for marketing, it makes sense to develop your website there as well, to keep everything in the same platform.

Will I be able to edit my website? Who will maintain the website? Do you provide training on how to use/edit my website?

Your site will be fully editable so that you can edit the copy and swap out images without our help. However, if you need an extra hand and would like for us to maintain your site, we offer retainer packages that include client-supplied edits as well as analytics reviews and recommended changes and improvements based on user interaction. Ongoing training is also available for retainer clients and up to one hour of website training is provided for website-only projects.

How does the website improvement/data-driven design retainer work?

It's a cyclical process repeated every month that goes like this: 


  • Team call to discuss previous month’s accomplishments, research and data  
  • Suggestions for the upcoming month  
  • Solidify changes for the upcoming month


  • Copywriting, design and/or development of agreed upon changes/new pages/features etc.  
  • Run user tests  
  • Implement/update tracking 


  • Review data and analyze findings  
  • Brainstorm new ideas for next month  
  • Update dashboard

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The Spot On Blog

Learn more about how great web design can boost your company’s sales.

The Vital Role of Website Redesign in Acquisitions and Brand Overhauls
Website Strategy

The Vital Role of Website Redesign in Acquisitions and Brand Overhauls

By Rebecca Graves | September 30, 2024
WordPress vs. HubSpot: A Comparison of Content Management Systems
Website Strategy

WordPress vs. HubSpot: A Comparison of Content Management Systems

By Susie Kelley | February 8, 2024
Tackling a Redesign: 6 Tips From a Healthcare Website Design Agency
Website Strategy

Tackling a Redesign: 6 Tips From a Healthcare Website Design Agency

By Rebecca Graves | January 16, 2024

Take the first step toward digital marketing success.

Whatever your starting place, we’re ready to dig in, learn, research, design and strategize how to help you break out, level up or grow stronger.