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Cureatr Seeks an Experienced Marketing Strategy Partner with Healthcare IT Experience

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New York, NY

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Healthcare Tech

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Marketing Strategy, Website Design


Cureatr Needed a Marketing Plan and
New Website to Convert More Customers

As an early-stage startup with a new focus on medication management, Cureatr was facing many challenges.

  • When Resnick and Benhke joined the team, Cureatr’s website had not been updated and no content had been added in a few years.
  • Historically, the primary source for new leads was referrals from existing clients. The sales team was also working to grow existing accounts as health systems expanded. However, as current clients were solidified, it became clear that they needed a way to bring in new leads and create a system for nurturing those leads into new business.
  • This realization and the launch of Meds 360° necessitated a greater focus on marketing efforts. Cureatr needed a marketing plan and a new website that would clearly communicate its message as well as capture leads to convert them into customers.
  • Prior to Behnke joining the Cureatr team, there had not been a dedicated marketing role, so he was starting at square one. Understanding the challenge and many parts that had to be put into place, Behnke knew he would need a partner to help execute and implement a successful marketing strategy and website.

Partnering with Spot On

Knowing stakes were high, Behnke was asked to research and pick an agency. Cureatr was using the HubSpot platform for marketing and sales, so a HubSpot agency partner was essential. A huge plus would be a partner that had niche healthcare IT experience and compatible work philosophies. Due to his past relationship with Spot On in his previous role at another healthcare tech company, he knew Spot On fit the bill.


Inbound Marketing Results

Since Cureatr wasn’t focused on active marketing prior to partnering with Spot On, there were some immediate results from the marketing strategy put into place. For example, landing pages now work properly and send notifications to a Cureatr team member to inform them that a contact downloaded a piece of content. Prospects are also able to book appointments directly with the sales team or live chat with a team member if they have questions.

In addition to achieving significant short-term improvements, Spot On’s comprehensive, long-term strategy also delivered tangible results. Initially, Cureatr worked with Spot On to work toward driving the right traffic to the website by building thought leadership through relevant content that spoke to the pain points of their audience. Several years later, the effort is paying off and the results speak for themselves.



increase in keywords ranked from 2018 to 2021



annual increase in keywords ranked over 3-year period



annual increase in blog traffic, from 138 views to 32,584 views in 3 years



increase in Organic Traffic from Feb 2018 to Feb 2021



annual increase in Organic Traffic from 2018 to 2021

Regarding their ongoing partnership, Behnke says that Spot On, “offers improvements, not maintenance. Their team improves the site and campaigns, brings new business in, and achieves goals by thinking of new ways to improve our marketing funnel.”

People who don't work in marketing often expect that you can bring in a marketing manager and agency and immediately see overnight results, which is never the case. Spot On did a great job of executing on strategy, and we're now seeing those results: increased traffic, conversion rates, and sales qualified leads.

Jake Behnke, Director of Marketing

Cureatr Logo
Key Results

Keyword Ranking

Keyword Ranking Notes:

If they bought this much traffic, SEMRush estimates it would cost > $30K/month.
Keyword Ranking


keywords ranked


top 3 keywords


top 10 keywords



keywords ranked


top 3 keywords


top 10 keywords



keywords ranked


top 3 keywords


top 10 keywords



keywords ranked


top 3 keywords


top 10 keywords

Organic Traffic:

key results organic traffic
Feb 2018-Jan 2019



  • Overall traffic increased 45%, Feb 2018 to Feb 2019
  • Traffic to blog increased from 138 views to 1,948 views
  • 563% increase in Marketing Qualified Leads
Feb 2019-Jan 2020



  • Overall traffic increased 156%, Feb 2019 to Feb 2020
  • Traffic to blog increased from 1,948 views to 16,257 views
  • 61% increase in Marketing Qualified Leads
Feb 2020-Jan 2021



  • Overall traffic decreased 16%, Feb 2020 to Feb 2021
  • Traffic to blog increased from 16,257 views to 32,584 views
  • 11% increase in Marketing Qualified Leads

Feb 2018-Feb 2021

Overall Traffic:

10,371 increased to 45,371 (Feb 2018 - Feb 2021)

Overall Traffic Increase Cureatr

Organic Traffic:

2,614 increased to 31,296 (Feb 2018 - Feb 2021)

Cureatr Organic Traffic

Blog Traffic:

138 increased to 32,584 (Feb 2018 - Feb 2021)

Cureatr Blog Traffic

Final Thoughts

For anyone considering a partnership with Spot On, Behnke says:

I’ve worked with a lot of third parties and some have been great, others not so great. The best ones proactively managed our relationship and were in constant communication with me, all of which has been true with Spot On. I know I can always reach someone through text, Slack, or a phone call. Above all else, you need an agency that can adapt with you. For example, with website tweaks, a bigger agency might not be as equipped to handle or might not be able to put changes into place right away. Ultimately, it’s important to find an agency that’s dependable and good to work with, which Spot On is.

Jake Behnke, Director of Marketing

Jake Behnke

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